Size mannequin or sewing Mannequin Insertable Needle Half-body Woman size 48 (4XL) is made of compressed polyurethane foam (cold foam). This foam mannequin has the ability to execute the .pattern with a needle and is resistant to heat and pressure and does not change its shape
sewing Mannequins Insertable Needles are bust models without head, arms and legs, and in these mannequins, the main focus is on the mid-body.
Due to the fact that the sewing mannequin is similar to the shape of the human body, it can help tailors to cut and sew patterns and clothes accurately and regularly using standard body sizes according to the specified sizes.
Also, these foam mannequins are used in mollage style. The act of moulage means shaping and making a pattern or mold, which here means a pattern or mold of clothing on the human body.
The advantages of using the moulage mannequin or mannequin Insertable Needle foam sewing mannequin include the following:
1- High precision in measurement and design due to the being Insertable Needle feature of the mannequin, which allows you to accurately place the fabric and pattern on the mannequin’s body.
2- Due to the tolerance of heat, pressure and steam and due to the self-eating ability of these types of mannequins, it enables the ability to form and shape the pattern on the mannequin’s body.
3- This product can play an important role as an important tool in the process of teaching tailoring and designing and sewing clothes and help students and tailors to find the best result from their work.
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